Hello Everyone!!
How did I start my Glass career??
The year 2001, I was working at a clothing store in downtown Tokyo. At that time I was hand making hemp necklaces and wallet chains at the store. I was always looking for the perfect sized glass beads to go with them.
About the same time, the store started to sell Boro Glass Pendants made by a Japanese artist who learned from Bob Snodgrass for three months. That inspired me to make my own beads.
Unfortunately I was living in a very small apartment (not an American standard) and had no money to start an oxygen torch. I had to convince myself to settle with an inexpensive Japanese air torch and very soft Japanese glass.
The first thing I bought was a book that showed me how to make Japanese beads with air torch.
My little kitchen grill was converted into an ultra small studio by displacing the MSG and other seasonings with glass rods. This was the dawn of my glass career.
That next year, 2002, I moved to rural Chiba prefecture, right next to Big Tokyo. Finally I was able to add Boro on my glass line.
By the year 2008, I started making marbles full time. However, at that time, there was virtually no market for Boro marbles in Japan. I sold only 5 marbles that year.
That outcome made me work harder. I just could not understand why the marbles I made with full confidence and devotion did not sell well. I refused to accept the reality but worked harder and harder to improve my skills and uniqueness.
In the year 2009, the change finally arrived. I met a visiting artist, Josh Sable, in Japan. We made collaboration pieces together. Thanks to Josh, my Marbles got recognition beyond my expectation in the USA and other parts of the world. Now looking back what I have done in the last few years, it proves that if you work hard believing in what you are doing things will come out just fine. I am very thankful of all of the support I have received from my artist friends and clients.
For the last two years I am so happy to tell you that I have been devoting myself fully into making marbles injecting my free imagination and energy. I am the happiest man on the planet.
Again I would like to express my utmost appreciation to all of the friends living all over the world from the bottom of my heart. Love and Peace.